Reminder Regarding Strong Wind

Anas رضي الله عنه narrated:

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم whenever a strong wind blew, anxiety appeared on the face of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم (fearing the wind might be a sign of Allah’s wrath).

[Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 2 Book of al-Istisqa, Hadith 1034]

Supplication During a Windstorm

اللَّهمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ خَيْرَهَا، وَخَيْرَ مَا فِيْهَا، وَخَيْرَ مَا أُرْسِلَتْ بِهِ، وَأَعُوْذُ بِكَ مِنْ شَرِّهَا، وَشَرِّ مَا فِيْهَا، وَشَرِّ مَا أُرْسِلَتْ بِهِ

O Allah, I ask You for the good of it, for the good of what it contains, and for the good of what is sent with it. I seek refuge in You from the evil of it, from the evil of what it contains, and from the evil that is sent with it.

[Muslim 2/616]

From Salmah bin al-Akwa’ that if the wind was intense and violent the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم would say:

اللَّهُمَّ لَقَحًا لَا عَقِيمًا

‘O Allaah make this wind bring clouds with rain and not a drought.’

[Collected by Bukhari in al-Adab al-Mufrad, Tabarani, Ibn as-Sunni, al-Hakim and Albaani declared it Hasan in Saheehah no. 2058.]