Our Programs.
Teaching about oneness of Allah, the example of the Messenger ﷺ and the first 3 generations of pious Muslims.
Fighting extremism and terrorism
Providing educational opportunities
Increasing job prospects and development of employment skills
Improving well being (social, physical, mental)
Local community activities & initiatives
Tackling Youth crime and giving them alternatives to the streets
Charitable collections which will be used to support the elderly, widows, single mothers
and those in need
Foodbank - developing a hub to reduce food waste whilst supporting those in need..
Recycling initiatives to reduce wastage and increase efficient use of resources.
Carbon reduction initiatives including walking, bike riding and use of public transport.
Providing Covid support for the vulnerable and those who need it
Holding events such as dinners, quiz nights, coffee mornings, etc. to bring the community
Improving social, physical, and mental wellbeing of the local community
Supporting the elderly (shopping/ days out / give them company)
Facilitation of Sports & Recreational activities (football, netball, gardening, aerobic exercise, women only events, arts and crafts, cookery, reading workshops, writing workshops)
Weekly football sessions to build community connections and trust
Reducing gang affiliations & knife crime by providing alternatives avenues for the youth
Initiatives to bring our youth off the streets so that they can help themselves and others
Educating the youth of the dangers of extremism and terrorism
Trips & activities for the youth
Conservation of water, electricity
Cycling, public transportation, walking
Up-cycling and Recycling
Community clean-ups
Promoting healthier lifestyles
Gardening for the locals (leaf clear up)