4:00pm to 4:10pm
Introduction- Our Journey and The Reason for our Theme - Abu Talhah Tahir (hafidhahullah)
4:10pm - 5:10pm
The Impact of Generosity upon One’s Self - Ustaadh Abu Arwa Ali (Hafidhahullah)
5:10pm to 5:45pm
Restroom break, Maghrib Prayer, Tea/Coffee
5:45pm - 6:45pm
The Impact of the Sunnah Upon a Community - Shaykh Dr. Abdulilah Lahmami (hafidhahullah)
6:45pm to 7:15pm
Restroom break, Isha Prayer
7:15pm to 7:45pm
Break for Food 🥘 and Drink🥤
7:45pm to 8:45pm
The Impact of Raising Children upon Prophetic Morals - Ustaadh Abu Inaayah Seif (hafidhahullah)
8:45pm - 9:00pm
Closing Advice, Appeal and Thank you
Ustaadh Abdul Hakeem Mitchell (hafidhahullah)